$199.50 AUD

2 monthly payments

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PLEASE NOTE: If you have a diagnosed medical condition, and are taking pharmaceutical medications OR have a history of an eating disorder you need to make a 30 minute consultation with Emily before you undergo the cleanse program.  You will require a strategic treatment plan and extra support during the cleanse program.

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The Cleanse

Are you ready to feel like the best version of yourself?

Imagine waking up energised, clear, and with a new sense of gratitude for the day...

Kicking off on the 12th February 2024, join me as I guide you through a 3-day bone broth fast, followed by 28 days of of deep detoxification.

We'll start with a pantry detox and pre-cleanse preparation you will embark on a 3-day bone broth fast, followed by 28 days of wholefood eating, group coaching, education sessions and so much more. 

This program that will detoxify, clear and re-set your health and leave you with sustainable changes, tools and techniques to empower you to live a toxin-free and nourished life forevermore.

What you'll get:

  • Weekly education sessions hosted by Emily and other leading experts, covering a range of topics such as nutrition fundamentals, stress management, low-tox living and life post-cleanse
  • A community of online support via a private Facebook group, so you can connect with Emily and fellow members of the cleanse
  • An online portal to guide you through 28 days of wholefood eating including naturopathically approved recipes, meal prep and weekly planner, self-care rituals, low-tox living guide, shopping tips and more

Prefer to pay in one go? Click here

Here's what previous cleansers are saying:

I was ready for a reboot. I have come into alignment with my purpose and I feel better mentally. I've gained clarity from all the guidance from Emily and being part of the group has been breathtaking

I feel alive, rejuvenated and connected to self"

The Cleanse program encourages you to take charge of your health and well-being in a positive way

I learned new ways of cooking, the recipes were delicious - still use them today. The app was a great resource and the videos and eBooks were really educational. I learned so much about how to live a detoxed life. I found having the weekly zoom sessions a great way for keeping me accountable, motivated and inspired and the guest speakers in the program were wonderful.