$120.00 AUD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a diagnosed medical condition, and are taking pharmaceutical medications OR have a history of an eating disorder you need to make a 30 minute consultation with Emily before you undergo the reset program.  You will require a strategic treatment plan and extra support during the reset program.

The Reset

Perfectly timed for after the xmas and new years BLOW OUT to commence 4th January - 25th January 2024, before australia day celebrations commence.

Registrations close midnight 3rd January 2024.

This program is a culmination of my 16 years in practice, where I am always refining tried and true HEALTH HACKS to bring humans back on track with minimal effort, using a few simple and scientific techniques (and you can keep your coffee!)

These are:

  • UNDERSTANDING FASTING and the science and how to apply it to your life without restricting too many calories but meeting all your health goals
  • RESTING - integrating rest into your life so you can feel rested, calm and present with your loved ones
  • MOVEMENT - which type of movement to apply to different stages of your life

What you'll get:

  • an ebook to refer back to later
  • a facebook page to share your wins, trials and tribulations
  • regular support from me within the facebook page
  • educations sessions to support you on your journey
  • journal to track metrics and successes 
  • emotional clearance of any self sabotaging blocks to your goals

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